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When do you need book or story consulting?

When you're out of ideas
When you've been working so hard that you feel tapped out,​ we will refresh your imagination and get your ideas flowing.
When you need to organize your ideas
I'll help you sort out and prioritize all your story ideas so you can get started on the one that's most important to you right now.
When you have too many ideas
When you don't even know where to start, I'll help you clarify what you're trying to say and then help you figure out how to say it. 
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What is Book Consulting?

When you don't know what to do next, book consulting helps you navigate the extensive and complex journey of developing, editing, and publishing your book.
As your book consultant, Jesi provides strategic advice on whether to pursue traditional or self-publishing and offers expert guidance on next steps.

When you're committed to sharing your expertise and your vision for the world, Jesi will help you clarify that vision, make informed decisions about you
r book project and provide insights into the publishing industry. 

What is Story Consulting?

When you don't know how to put it all together, story consulting helps you translate your ideas, experiences, and messages into coherent, engaging narratives.


As your story consultant, Jesi assists you in structuring your thoughts and experiences into stories that resonate with your intended audience.


Whether you're a social impact entrepreneur, activist, nonprofit founder or leader, community leader, nonfiction writer, or educator, story consulting will help you get your message heard and get your work done.​​

Your story matters.
Make it heard.

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